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Spring 2020 Class Schedule

Classes are mostly firm but subject to change.
CLASSICS-101-6War and Peace in Ancient Greece and RomeRaddingMW  11:00 am-12:20 pm
CLASSICS 212Roman History and CultureTerpstraMW  12:30-1:50 pmTH 10-10:50; 3-3:50; 4-4:50
F 10-10:50; 12-12:50; 1-1:50
CLASSICS 250The Art of Trash-Talk: Invective Poetry Through the AgesRaddingMW  2:00-3:20 pm
CLASSICS 310Archaeology of Pompeii, Herculaneum, and StabiaeTerpstraMW  3:30-4:50 pm
CLASSICS 350Love Scripts: From Sappho to the BeatlesHopmanTTH  2:00-3:20 pm
GREEK 115-2Accelerated Elementary Ancient and Biblical GreekPlatteMTWTh  3:30-4:20 pm
GREEK 201-3Introduction to Greek Literature: IliadPlatteMWF  11:00-11:50 pm
LATIN 101-3Elementary LatinTataranniMTWTh  10:00-10:50 am
LATIN 201-3-20Introduction to Latin Literature: CatullusTataranniMWF  11:00-11:50 am
LATIN 201-3-21Introduction to Latin Literature: CatullusTataranniMWF  2:00-2:50 pm
LATIN 310Vergil, Livy, and Roman NostalgiaWeintrittTTH  12:30-1:50 pm
LATIN 400Medieval LatinNewmanTTH  9:30 - 10:50