Classics Cluster and Classics Certificates
Classics Cluster
The Graduate School’s interdisciplinary clusters and certificates were created in 2006 to facilitate connections between doctoral students and faculty members who share research interests, yet may not be affiliated to the same department or program.
Today the Classics Cluster sustains a robust interdisciplinary community of about seventeen graduate students and a dozen faculty members interested in Greek and Roman antiquity. Drawing affiliates from a wide range of departments including Philosophy, political theory within Political Science, Comparative Literary Studies, English, Art History, Theater and Drama, History, Communication Studies, and others, the Classics Cluster provides a second intellectual home to graduate students working with sources in Greek and Roman antiquity, their receptions in a later period, or both. Participation in the Classics Cluster is open to all interested graduate students.
Classics Cluster affiliates enjoy a program of research workshops, distinguished visiting speakers, Greek and Latin reading groups, trips to area museums and performances, special events, informal gatherings, and access to small grants to support research and conference travel. Student affiliates are also given priority to serve as teaching assistants for undergraduate lecture courses in the department of Classics such as “Classical Mythology,” “The World of Homer,” “Greek Civilization,” and “Rome: Culture and Empire.” The Classics Cluster has a formal agreement with Royal Holloway, University of London, to exchange up to one student per year.
Placement of students affiliated with the Classics Cluster or its earlier formation, the Classical Tradition Initiative, has been remarkably strong. Among the eleven alumni who have graduated since 2006, nine have secured tenure-track jobs at colleges or universities and one is now tenured.
How to Apply
Graduate applicants interested in participating in this cluster should indicate their interest by completing a “Cluster Statement” when they apply to their respective graduate programs.
Matriculated students may join the cluster at any time. To participate in the cluster or certificate, please contact Marianne Hopman, Director of the Graduate Classics Cluster.
Classics Certificates
Interested students based in any Ph.D. program may elect to complete one or more of the three Graduate Certificates administered by the Classics Cluster and recognized on University transcripts: the Graduate Certificate in Classical Latin, the Graduate Certificate in Ancient Greek, and the Graduate Certificate in Classical Reception Studies. Each certificate requires the completion of five courses in Greek, Latin, Classics, or Classical Reception authorized for graduate credit. Courses offered in departments other than Classics that include a significant component in the study of Classical Antiquity or its reception are eligible. Per TGS requirements, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for the courses counting toward the Graduate Certificate. Students who wish to pursue multiple Graduate Certificates may not count the same coursework for more than one certificate.
Graduate Certificate in Classical Latin, recognizing advanced philological training in Latin.
Requirements: Five courses in total, no more than two of which can be in the student’s PhD department. At least two must be sections of Latin 310 and/or Latin 400.
Graduate Certificate in Ancient Greek, recognizing advanced philological training in Greek.
Requirements: Five courses in total, no more than two of which can be in the student’s PhD department. At least two must be sections of Greek 301 and/or Greek 400.
Graduate Certificate in Classical Reception Studies, recognizing advanced training on the relationship between ancient texts, artifacts, images, practices, or figures and their afterlife in later cultural contexts (literature, philosophy, pop culture, art, etc.).
Requirements: Five courses in total, one of which must be CLA 400. No more than two can be from the student’s PhD department.
To apply for a certificate, please fill in the TGS form that may be found here. Feel free to contact the Classics Cluster Director should you have any question.
Institutional Partnerships
The Classics Cluster collaborates with Northwestern's Consortium for the International Reception of Classical Antiquity (known as CIRCA, formerly called the Classical Traditions Initiative), the International Classical Reception Studies Network and the Contexts for Classics group at the University of Michigan. We have a student exchange arrangement with University of London (Royal Holloway College).