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Selected Faculty Publications

Germán Campos-Muñoz

Campos-Muñoz, G. 2023. "Mundus novus: A Note on the Reception of the Classics in the New World." ARGO: A Hellenic Review. 

Campos-Muñoz, G. 2021. "The Classics in South America: Five Case Studies." Bloomsbury Publishing.

Sarah Eisen

Eisen, S. 2024. Reconsidering Enslaved People in Ancient Greek Art at the Harvard Art Museums. Journal of Museum Education, 1–12.

Reginald Gibbons

Gibbons, R. 2017. "An Orchard in the Street." American Readers Series.

Ann Gunter

Gunter, A., ed. 2018. A Companion to Ancient Near Eastern Art. Wiley Blackwell.

Gunter, A. 2017. "Cultural Morphology and the Comparative Study of Cultures in the Shaping of Political Communities: Wealth Objects and Royal Gift-Giving in the Neo-Assyrian and Inca Empires." In Oswald Spenglers Kulturmorphologie, edited by Sebastian Fink, Max Otte, and Robert Rollinger. Berlin: Springer.

Gunter, A. 2016. A Cultural Biography of Egypt: Objects, Styles, and Agency, edited by Caroline van Eck and Miguel John Versluys. Leiden: Leiden University. 

Marianne Hopman

Hopman, M. Scylla: Myth, Metaphor, Paradox. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2012. Paperback edition 2016.

Hopman M. and R. Gagné, eds. Choral Mediations in Greek Tragedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2013. Paperback edition 2016.

Hopman, M. “Narrative and Rhetoric in Odysseus’ Tales to the Phaeacians.” American Journal of Philology 133.1 (2012) 1-30. 

Hopman, M. “Revenge and Mythopoiesis in Euripides’ Medea.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 38.1 (2008) 155-83.

Hopman, M. “Le jeu des épithètes dans les Hymnes Orphiques.” Kernos 14: (2001) 35-49. 


Richard Kraut

Kraut, R. 2018. The Quality of Life: Aristotle Revised. Oxford University Press.

Ryan Platte

Platte, R. 2019. “Guilding American History through Song Culture in O Brother, Where Art Thou?” In Screening the Golden Ages of the Classical Tradition, edited by Meredith Safran. Edinburgh University Press.

Platte, R. 2017. Hellenic Studies Series: Equine Poetics 74. Center for Hellenic Studies.

Taco Terpstra

Terpstra, T. 2024. "Power and Its Trappings in the Han and Roman Bureaucracies." In Place and Performance in Ancient Greece, Rome, and China, edited by H. Beck and G. Vankeerberghen. 89-113. Cambridge University Press.

Terpstra T. 2024. “The Economics of Immorality: The U.S. Antebellum South, Stalinist Russia and the Roman Empire." in Models, Methods, and Morality: Assessing Modern Approaches to the Greco-Roman Economy, edited by S. Murray and S. Bernard, 125-149. Palgrave Macmillan.

Terpstra, T. 2021. “Mediterranean Silver Production and the Site of Antas, Sardinia,” Oxford Journal of Archaeology 40, 2.

Terpstra, T. 2020. “Roman Technological Progress in Comparative Context: The Roman Empire, Medieval Europe and Imperial China,” Explorations in Economic History 75, 101300.

Terpstra T. 2020. “The Imperial Cult and the Sacred Bonds of Roman Overseas Commerce.” In Roman Port Societies: The Evidence of Inscriptions, edited by S. Keay and P.  Arnaud, 178-197. Cambridge.

Terpstra, T. 2019. Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean. Princeton University Press.

Terpstra, T. 2018. “Neo-Institutionalism in Ancient Economic History: The Road Ahead” In A Research Agenda for New Institutional Economics, edited by C. Ménard and M. Shirley, 233-240. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Abbe Walker

Walker, A. 2023. "Bride of Hades to Bride of Christ: The Virgin and the Otherworldly Bridegroom in Ancient Greece and Early Christian Rome." Routledge

Robert Wallace

Wallace, R. 2021. “Aeschylus and Athenian History, 508/7-454 BC. Democracy’s Age of Bronze." In Blackwell Companion to Aeschylus edited by P. Burian and J. Bromberg. Malden.

Wallace, R. 2019. “Complaints, Relevance in Athenian Court Speeches, and Community Welfare. A response to Adriaan Lanni.” In Symposion XVI. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte, edited by G. Thür, U. Yiftach, and R. Zelnick-Abramovitz, 203-209. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.

Wallace, R. 2019. “Public Arbitrators in Fourth-century Athens: Guiding the Democratic Lot.” In Dike. Essays on Greek Law in Honor of Alberto Maffi, edited by L. Gagliardi and L. Pepe, 353-361. Milan: Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre.

Wallace, R. 2017. “Law and Community in Ancient Athens, and the Prosecution of Sokrates." In Ivs Fugit 20: 249-263.

Wallace, R. 2017. “Sophokles’ Democratic Tyrants: Electra 1.” In Albert’s Anthology, edited by K. Coleman, Loeb Classical Monographs, 225-226. Cambridge.

Wallace, R. 2017. “The Bronze Coinage of Iberian Irippo. Politics and Necessity in an Age of Uncertainty?" In Desmoì Philías. Studies in Ancient History in Honour Prof. Francisco Javier Fernández Nieto, edited by J. C. Bermejo Barrera and M. García Sánchez, 349-360. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona.

Wallace, R. 2016. “Redating Croesus: Herodotean Chronologies, and the Dates of the Earliest Coinages.” In The Journal of Hellenistic Studies 136: 168–181.

Wallace, R. 2016. “The World Gone Wrong: Sophokles’ Electra,” Annali Online Ferrara Lettere XI 1: 53-77.

Wallace, R. 2016. “Equality, the Dêmos, and Law in Archaic Greece,” Symposion 2015: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte, edited by D. Leão and G. Thür, 1-14. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

Jennifer Weintritt

Weintritt, J. 2023. "More Useful and More Trustworthy": The Reception of the Greek Epic Cycle in Scholia to Homer, Pindar, and Euripides." American Journal of Philology 144, no. 1: 1-39.