PhD in Ancient Philosophy
This program, established in January 2011, is designed for students enrolled in the Ph.D. program in the Philosophy Department who also wish to work closely with Northwestern’s Classics Department. Upon completion of their requirements, they receive both a Ph.D. from the Philosophy Department and a Certificate from the Classics Cluster. The program provides students with the opportunity to work on their knowledge of ancient languages and to improve their understanding of the Greco-Roman world.Students who choose to enter the program will be affiliated with the Classics Cluster, which makes the Department of Classics their official second home at Northwestern. Upon completion of the Program in Ancient Philosophy, they will receive a Certificate from the Classics Cluster, which will be indicated on their transcript. In most ways, students in the program are treated in the same way as other graduate students in the Philosophy Department. The requirements of the Philosophy Department are slightly modified to help prepare students for professional research in this field.