Robert Wallace
Professor Emeritus of Classics

Robert Wallace is the author of some eighty-five articles on various aspects of Greek history, intellectual history, literature, law, numismatics, and music theory. His books include The Areopagos Council, to 307 BC (1989) which was awarded the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities by the Council of Graduate Schools, and Reconstructing Damon. Music, Wisdom Teaching, and Politics in Perikles’ Athens (2015). He co-authored Origins of Democracy in Ancient Greece with Josiah Ober and Kurt Raaflaub (2007) and Aristotle’s Constitution of the Athenians (2015), with Chloe Balla. He has co-edited four volumes: Harmonia Mundi: Musica e filosofia nel’antichità; Poet, Public, and Performance in Ancient Greece; Transitions to Empire 360-146 BC; and Symposion 2001 (on Greek law). His current projects include books on Sophokles and Thucydides, and Plato Rhetorician and the Historical Sokrates. He has lectured widely in the United States and in Europe.