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Fall 2021 Class Schedule

Classics 101-6Freshman Seminar: Ancient Greece and Rome in Modern Film and CulturePlatteTTh  11-12:20
Classics 210 (HUM 205-0-20)World of HomerGunterTTh  9:30-10:50
Classics 260Classics MythologyPlatteMWF  1-1:50
Classics 310Archeology of the Ancient Mediterranean: Popular Culture in the Greco-Roman WorldDardenMW   2-3:20
Classics 320Greek and Roman History: Sophocles and AthensWallaceTTh  11-12:20
Classics 350Greek and Latin Literature: Plato as a Writer WallaceTTh  2-3:20
Greek 201-1Introduction to Greek LiteratureDardenMWF  11-11:50
Greek 301Reading in Greek Literature: Gender and Homecoming in Homer’s OdysseyHopmanTTh  3:30-4:50
Latin 101-1Elementary LatinCohenMTWTh  10-10:50
Latin 201-1Introduction to Latin Literature: Petronius and CiceroByrosMWF  11-11:50
Latin 310Readings in Latin Literature: Power and Violence in Tacitus’s HistoriesByrosTTh  1-2:20